Manimal - João do Pau Nest
Branches, Pallets, others
ø3.0 x h2.5m
ø118.11 x h98.4 in

The bird’s architecture inspired us by the way they use nature’s waste to manufacture their houses. During our research, the nests of the Brazilian birds João de Barro, João Graveto and Tecelões (the weaver birds) became our focus not only because of their use of clay, sticks and leaves, but also by meeting their needs and showing us what they take from the environment is what they return to it.We make a connection with what humans are returning to the planet comparing human’s waste to the absolute usage of waste by the birds. Our motivation with this project is more than presenting solutions, we intend to present a different way of life by showing that the world was created with the communion of different species and their environment; and we should constantly ask ourselves: What do we want to leave as home for future societies? With the project “Manimal” we intend to make people conscious of their responsibility with our planet, our home.

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